Bio-Toxic evaluation
The completed film, Bio-toxic after being edited together comes to about 2minutes and 15 seconds. Bio-Toxic is a zombie movie with generic conventions of a horror and a thriller.
I started off by looking at the generic conventions of zombie movies to get the idea for my film. Then I created a 100 words synopsis to get a general idea of the movie I was making. Then I started pre-production by creating a storyboard and script for the 2 minute start to my movie, Bio-Toxic.
I then started filming the 2 minute start to the film. The first time I filmed it didn’t go exactly to the script, so I changed the script and the storyboard. But the filming I did didn’t come out as well so I decided to do it again. The second time the area I was filming in had flooded so I had to change it a bit and that led to me changing the script and storyboard again. The second time came out very well however I did have some problems as I lost a couple of scenes while filming which led to me having to film them again. I then had to film the news presenter bit which was filmed in a classroom. I also recorded some sound effects which include a girl going hello and some people to rawr to make the zombie noises louder and clearer in the film. I had some problems with the final scene so I decided to leave it out of the final piece.
I started to edit the film after I had the scenes with the character running from zombies. I started off by taking bits out of the filming that were the best scenes I had and putting them together in the right order. I then decided to add some effects to make the film flow through so it looked better than choppy scenes pieced together. I used the effect fade to black to get this. I then decided to put in some static screens and a television effect in. I then decided to put in some sound effects for the special effects I put in like a flat line sound and a white noise sound in to make it sound better. Then I put in the title screen with the title Biotoxic. Then I put it in a different colour and then gave it a jumpy old effect which looks great. Then I decided to put the news reader bit in before the television effect and the title screen and before the newsreader bit I put in a static screen.
I then decided to put in the sound track and looped it to give it a continuing effect to it. The sound track starts at 29 seconds and ends at 1 minute and 58 seconds. I had some trouble with the looping as there is a jumpy bit in the middle so I decided to put a sounds effect in of the zombie’s rawring to cover the jumpy bit in the sound track. I decided to use, with a heavy heart (I regret to inform you) by Does it offend you, Yeah? As it builds up tension and has a crescendo bit in which is perfect for the film as it crescendo’s at the point of the bite. I then decided to mess about with the sound volumes on the soundtrack and sound effects so you can hear the sounds effects but also hear the soundtrack.
We unloaded our video to you tube, a popular video sharing site. The soundtrack on the video we uploaded had somehow moved forward and disrupted the flow of the soundtrack. The crescendo in the film where the character gets bitten is pushed forward. Also the looped bit of soundtrack which was first covered by zombie noises but has been revealed due to the pushed forward of the soundtrack.
I think my filming and editing went very well and it came out better than I expected. I am very happy with the finish product even though there were some problems with filming, editing and sound but I found away round these problems and the film came out very well.